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Hope Grows for Autism

We are a nonprofit organization advocating for cannabinoid-based medicine as a front-line solution for symptoms and clusters of symptoms related to Autism.



Meet Erica

Read about Erica Daniels’' journey as the mother of a child with autism, and how it led her to become an advocate for medicinal cannabinoids as a solution.

“Erica Daniels is a Mom ahead of her time. Helping so many others live a quality of life with autism - the individuals themselves and the caregivers. She goes above and beyond. I am honored to know her.”

— Anna Marie, mother of a child with autism

Hope Grows in the Media

 The Future

Partnerships: Welcome

While our current focus is medical cannabis, we see a bright future in the potential of psychedelics and other plant-based remedies to serve as viable solutions for the autism community. We are actively seeking partnerships with physicians, educators, politicians, biotech companies, manufacturers, and dispensaries looking to collaborate on education, advocacy, and research work in these areas. Interested? Reach out!

What Drives Hope.


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